
Membership Fees

Membership fees vary depending on your business type. Our fees start at £148 per annum. To enquire as to cost please click here and we will respond as soon as we are able.

If you are a member of a local tourism group then you may be entitled to a 10% discount off the BBT membership fee.

Join the BBT today, and you will enjoy a range of benefits.

How to join:

Joining BBT couldn’t be easier. Simply complete this Application Form and we will get back to you with costings as soon as possible.

We will email you a confirmation of receipt and enter your details onto our database.

Payment will be required at this stage, either by direct debit or BACS.

We will then add your business details onto the website and to our digital guide.

Renewing your membership can be made through our office by direct debit or BACS.

As ever we would always recommend payment by direct debit or BACS.

On joining BBT, all members sign up to the following values:

  • Work harder… together to provide a distinctive experience for our visitors
  • Care more… for our visitors and the landscape that attracts them
  • Aim further… in our aspirations for a sustainable destination
  • Share more… of our knowledge and expertise for the benefit of all
  • We also have our own Code of Practice which we expect our members to abide to.
  • BBT prides itself on knowing our members and helping you wherever we can. Read the latest Testimonals from our members to find out how we can help you.